International Stem Cell Corporation Announces Marketing Plans for Its Wholly Owned Subsidiary Lifeline Skin Care

Posted: June 13, 2012 at 6:12 am


International Stem Cell Corporation (ISCO) ( has announced new sales and marketing initiatives for its Lifeline Skin Care products ( These efforts are designed to enable Lifeline to robustly, strategically and profitably grow the business.

Consumer Advertising

During June and July, new integrated advertising campaigns will be launched in three marketing channelsonline, in newspapers and magazines, and through direct mail. The campaigns will feature Lifelines innovative stem cell technology and proof of the brands potential: younger looking skin. Although the ads will eventually be national in reach, the first few months will be devoted to optimizing the creative approach, targeting, frequency, timing, positioning, offer and ROI.

Key Opinion Leader and Peer Group Influencer

Elizabeth K. Hale, MD, one of the nation's top dermatologists, is now endorsing Lifeline Skin Care to both consumer and trade audiences. Dr. Hale is an Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology at New York University, a private practitioner and a guest of the Doctor Oz show, the Today Show and Good Morning America. During the week of June 4 she met with beauty editors for Prevention, Health, Town and Country, Allure, and InStyle, to present Lifeline Skin Care and its unique technology. The endorsement of a leading dermatologist should not only enhance the credibility of the brand but increase its visibility.

Strategic Partners

Email campaigns through strategic partners have been very successful at marketing Lifeline products. To expand that effort, several new key opinion leaders have now agreed to endorse Lifeline Skin Care to their social networks, including Mrs. Jeri Thompson, a conservative spokesperson, radio and TV guest and advocate for non-embryonic stem cell research; and authors, experts and media personalities in the areas of women's health, yoga, cosmetic dentistry, and retirement planning. Many of these partners plan to market Lifeline through their social network (email marketing, blogs, Facebook, etc.) as well as through personal and radio appearances. Most of these campaigns will launch during the third quarter.

Professional Channels

During the week of June 12, Lifeline is launching two campaigns directed to 27,000 cosmetic dermatologists and day spas. These campaigns are focused on providing information to skin care professionals, including dermatologists and plastic surgeons, to understand and embrace the significance and value of stem cell extracts for skin rejuvenation.

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International Stem Cell Corporation Announces Marketing Plans for Its Wholly Owned Subsidiary Lifeline Skin Care

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