stem cell | Banking Cord Blood – Private Or Public? – Video

Posted: November 7, 2012 at 5:41 pm

stem cell | Banking Cord Blood - Private Or Public? The blood is taken from your umbilical cord after your baby is delivered and is disconnected from the umbilical cord. For others, having cord blood from a family member can mean a reduction in complications, improved survival, and a better quality of life without the need for continual anti-rejection medications. Pointing out only the pros of banking the cord blood, like stating that this will be a one time shot insurance coverage that you do not want to miss out on. It has been proven to be a better alternative than regular bone marrow transplants. There is much controversy regarding the use of stem cell research as it pertains to the use of embryos. - They are not tumorogenic- Collecting umbilical cord blood does not hurt the patron in any wayFlex Blood saving is not emergent Stem group inquiriesUnfortunately, controversy surrounding budding stem group inquiries undermines the view of cord blood mass room and adult stem group inquiries. This blood is extracted through the use of syringes or can simply be drained from the cord. They (or your partner) can complete the paper work easily, allowing for this life saving blood to be saved for your child #39;s, or other family members, needs should something unforeseen and unfortunate happen. This cord blood and the cells from it can save your child #39;s life if there are any unfortunate circumstances in the future, so this is an investment that you should definitely consider making. The fact remains ...From:loshoteles enmedellinViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:13More inScience Technology

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stem cell | Banking Cord Blood - Private Or Public? - Video

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