Leading Human Immunology and Infectious Disease Experts to Join UM School of Medicines Institute of Human Virology – Newswise

Posted: November 13, 2020 at 4:56 am

Newswise Baltimore, MD, November 12, 2020 Robert C. Gallo, MD, the Homer & Martha Gudelsky Distinguished Professor in Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) and Co-Founder & Director of the UMSOMs Institute of Human Virology (IHV), announced today that a team of leading scientists in human immunology, virology and stem cell biology, led by Lishan Su, PhD joined IHV on October 1 with academic appointments in the UMSOM Department of Pharmacology. As part of the Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Fund (MEIF) to recruit top research faculty and a donation to IHV from the Charles Gordon Estate, Dr. Su has been named the Charles Gordon Smith Endowed Professor for HIV Research. Dr. Su will also head IHVs Division of Virology, Pathogenesis and Cancer.

The team will include a 12-person Laboratory of Viral Pathogenesis and Immunotherapy with two faculty appointments as well as major public and private sector research funding.

Dr. Gallo made the announcement in conjunction with University of Maryland School of Medicine Dean E. Albert Reece, MD, PhD, MBA and Margaret M. McCarthy PhD, James & Carolyn Frenkil Deans Professor, Chair of the Department of Pharmacology.

Dr. Su is one of the most successful active basic researchers in America, said Dr. Gallo, who is also Co-Founder and Chairman of the International Scientific Leadership Board of the Global Virus Network. His research is groundbreaking, and we are so pleased to have him join IHV and lead our Division of Infectious Agents and Cancer, which under his sound leadership, will flourish.

Dr. McCarthy added:Dr. Sus continuing ground-breaking work in HIV and Hepatitis B will be a huge asset to the Department of Pharmacology. I look forward to working with him on advances that could open the door to new therapeutics.

Dr. Su was a faculty member in the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and Professor in the Department of Microbiology & Immunology at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill since 1996. He received his BS degree in Microbiology from Shandong University, his PhD degree in Virology from Harvard University, and did his post-doctoral training in Stem Cell Biology & Immunology at Stanford University. He worked as a senior research scientist at SyStemix/Sandoz (Novartis), focusing on HIV-1 pathogenesis and stem cell-based gene therapy in humanized mice and in patients.

I am excited to continue and expand my research programs at the Institute of Human Virology (IHV), said Dr. Su. I have long been impressed by the Baltimore-DC area's research centers with great basic and clinical research programs. IHV, co-founded and directed by Dr. Robert Gallo, is one of the first research institutes in the U.S. to integrate basic science, population studies and clinical trials to understanding and treating human virus-induced diseases. The Department of Pharmacology, headed by Dr. Margaret McCarthy, in the University of Maryland School of Medicine, has been outstanding in developing novel therapeutics including breast cancer drugs. I look forward to working with my new colleagues at IHV and the Department of Pharmacology, and across the University of Maryland School of Medicine, to expand and translate my research programs to treating human inflammatory diseases including virus infection and cancer.

Dr. Su has extensive research experience in human immunology, virology and stem cell biology. Dr. Su made important contributions to several areas of human immunology and infectious diseases, particularly in studying human immuno-pathology of chronic virus infections. His lab at UNC-Chapel Hill published important findings in identifying novel virological and immunological mechanisms of HIV-1 pathogenesis. Furthermore, his lab established humanized mouse models with both human immune and human liver cells that support HCV or HBV infection, human immune responses and human liver fibrosis. In recent years, Dr. Sus group discovered, and focused on, the pDC-interferon axis in the immuno-pathogenesis and therapy of chronic HIV & HBV infections. The group also started investigation of the pDC-IFN axis in tumor microenvironments and in cancer immune therapy.

Im so pleased to welcome Dr. Su to our faculty. His work advances the mission of the School of Medicine, which is to provide important new knowledge in the area of immunology and chronic disease to discover new approaches for treatments, said Dean Reece, who is also University Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs and the John Z. and Akiko K. Bowers Distinguished Professor. Dr. Sus stellar research capabilities will provide vital opportunities for collaboration across our Institutes and Departments.

About the Institute of Human Virology

Formed in 1996 as a partnership between the State of Maryland, the City of Baltimore, the University System of Maryland and the University of Maryland Medical System, IHV is an institute of the University of Maryland School of Medicine and is home to some of the most globally-recognized and world-renowned experts in all of virology. The IHV combines the disciplines of basic research, epidemiology and clinical research in a concerted effort to speed the discovery of diagnostics and therapeutics for a wide variety of chronic and deadly viral and immune disorders - most notably, HIV the virus that causes AIDS. For more information,www.ihv.organd follow us on Twitter @IHVmaryland.

About the University of Maryland School of Medicine

The University of Maryland School of Medicine was chartered in 1807 and is the first public medical school in the United States and continues today as an innovative leader in accelerating innovation and discovery in medicine. The School of Medicine is the founding school of the University of Maryland and is an integral part of the 11-campus University System of Maryland. Located on the University of Marylands Baltimore campus, the School of Medicine works closely with the University of Maryland Medical Center to provide a research-intensive, academic and clinically based education. With 43 academic departments, centers and institutes and a faculty of more than 3,000 physicians and research scientists plus more than $400 million in extramural funding, the School is regarded as one of the leading biomedical research institutions in the U.S. with top-tier faculty and programs in cancer, brain science, surgery and transplantation, trauma and emergency medicine, vaccine development and human genomics, among other centers of excellence. The School is not only concerned with the health of the citizens of Maryland and the nation, but also has a global vision, with research and treatment facilities in more than 30 countries around the world. For more information, visitwww.medschool.umaryland.edu.

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Leading Human Immunology and Infectious Disease Experts to Join UM School of Medicines Institute of Human Virology - Newswise

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