A Parent’s Guide To Cord Blood PSA – Dr. Jennifer Arnold – Video

Posted: January 9, 2013 at 3:45 pm

A Parent #39;s Guide To Cord Blood PSA - Dr. Jennifer Arnold
The use of umbilical cord blood stem cells has increased significantly in the past 20 years. Today, doctors all over the world are realizing the power of newborn stem cells and recommending family banking and donation to their patients. When faced with the illness of a child or loved one, families want hope and doctors want options. Banking newborn stem cells provides both. As a parent, protecting your growing family is a top priority. You can take the first step by saving -- or "banking" -- these stem cells in a family bank or donating them to a public bank. It #39;s a one-time opportunity that can be lifesaving or life-changing for a family. Doctors recommend banking for a variety of reasons. Umbilical cord blood has been used in more than 25000 transplants to treat many life-threatening diseases including leukemia, certain other cancers and blood, immune and metabolic disorders. Go to http://www.cordblood.com or http://www.parentsguidecordblood.org for more information

By: TheBoomchannel

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A Parent's Guide To Cord Blood PSA - Dr. Jennifer Arnold - Video

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