Adapts to any job: sugar for stem cell arthritis treatment.mp4 – Video

Posted: February 11, 2013 at 3:42 pm

Adapts to any job: sugar for stem cell arthritis treatment.mp4 Polysaccharides are sugars that play an important role in the structure of matrix material- the stuff that holds cells together. These materials are being investigated as possible stem cell scaffolds. These polysaccharides can be turned into gels rapidly and therefore can be injected into a damaged joint easily. Among these are agarose and alginate which are derived from algae. Hyaluronic acid is already being used as a palliative osteoarthritis treatment but is also considered a possible scaffold. The last polysaccharide is chitosan which has shown excellent results when used in a sheep model of osteoarthritis. http

By: Nathan Wei

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Adapts to any job: sugar for stem cell arthritis treatment.mp4 - Video

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