cord blood bank | Collection of Cord Blood – Some Frequently Asked Questions – Video

Posted: November 20, 2012 at 6:44 pm

cord blood bank | Collection of Cord Blood - Some Frequently Asked Questions For a successful transplant, the process is relatively complex, but the basics of the process involve typing the blood. If you have a complicated birth, your doctor is obligated not to collect the material for donation. This blood would be sent to the company that you will have previously chosen for services. The collection process can be done by the bag method or with a syringe. Similar breakthroughs have been achieved by scientists throughout the world. Since children that come from the same mother and father share genetic material, this cord blood containing the stem cells can be used to treat all children in a family for these diseases, including leukemia and sickle cell anemia. The future uses of stem cells in medicine are very promising. But these are just some diseases from amongst the 70 diseases that can be cured by stem cell, and the list keeps on getting longer. It further saves you from the trouble of locating a matching donor when transplants are concerned. ""Stem cells can be found in multiple locations within our body. In spite of these plus points, the expensive procedure of blood cord cell donation and its preservation is dissuading parents from donating. It is indicated by the decline of muscle function, motor skills, and speech patterns. But how does one actually collect stem cells for cord blood banking? Well, the collection process for cord blood banking will actually take place right after the delivery of a baby ...From:BuscoFincaRaizcomarViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:31More inScience Technology

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