cryo cell | Umbilical Cord Blood Banking – A Responsible Decision – Video

Posted: November 20, 2012 at 6:44 pm

cryo cell | Umbilical Cord Blood Banking - A Responsible Decision This is a type of insurance that can be called upon if your child gets ill, and has a life threatening disease. This a free service offered by the government and so the blood donated becomes public property and is offered to whoever needs it and at no cost to that person. There are several pros and cons of storing this blood. It is better than bone marrow since it does not take time to find a matching donor. . Cord Blood Storage is a pain-free process using umbilical cord blood that would otherwise be discarded. As the stem cells are an essential part of our blood and immune system, they have the ability to produce other blood cells as well as reproduce their own type. The patient no longer needs to wait for a donor; he can be his own donor if his cord blood had been preserved after his birth. Stem cell cord blood has higher probability of becoming the perfect match for family members and relatives and has no risk of rejection by the recipient #39;s body. Yet, with more people considering cord blood banking, whether privately or publicly, it is likely that more miracles can happen. Types Of Blood Cord Collection Methods Cord blood storage follows two prior steps: Collection Processing First and foremost is the blood cell collection. Mrs. At no stage will the donor #39;s identity be revealed to the recipient, especially if the latter is a stranger. Private banks on the other hand are for-profit organizations which store blood from the baby for the ...From:LosHotelesEnBogotaViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:31More inScience Technology

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cryo cell | Umbilical Cord Blood Banking - A Responsible Decision - Video

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