FiST Chat 105: How Social Is Social Media? – Video

Posted: February 13, 2013 at 12:42 am

FiST Chat 105: How Social Is Social Media?
Courtesy: - Hosted and Produced by Stephan Kern Ben Warner. Much of what is said about social media follows the line of how it connects people over vast distances and allows instant communication between your friends 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. But if you are to define the word social, is the activity encouraged on social media sites actually fitting that definition? Steve and Ben discuss the definition of social and how it applies to social media. Also on the show, the great Star Wars Vs Star Trek debate comes in to sharp focus with JJ Abrams taking over the franchise, 3D printers creating stem cells and Apple #39;s recent Java block has unintended consequences for customers.

By: fistchat

FiST Chat 105: How Social Is Social Media? - Video

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