LAMININE – Dr. Juzer Jangbarwala ( Fibroblast Growth Factor ) – Video

Posted: March 6, 2013 at 9:44 am

LAMININE - Dr. Juzer Jangbarwala ( Fibroblast Growth Factor ) DISCOVER LAMININE A Formula for life Have you ever wondered how a child physically develops at such a dramatic rate? How a young person can exert so much energy and recover almost instantly? Are you curious about why a child is able to pick up languages so quickly and how they can remember the smallest details? You might imagine that it is just one of the benefits of being young and carefree...ah, youth. There is actually an even more evolutionary reason for this phenomenon. It is indeed about fewer years of life and wear and tear physically, mentally and spiritually...but more than that, it is about the proximity to the embryonic state of being that supports all birth and beyond. The real answer lies in a compound that is essential in supporting embryonic development; it is called Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF). While FGF is readily available in the human placenta, its availability to the human body diminishes over time and essentially vanishes as we age. Our body is incapable of producing its own FGF, so it must derive it from the food supply. That is where LifePharm Global Network #39;s Laminine fills a crucial, missing link in the human chain of life. Laminine, a natural supplement, is believed to be the only other known source of FGF in adults. Research credits FGF with essentially reprogramming adult stem cells and amino acids in the body (which make up its natural repair tools) to travel to the areas that need it the most. Once there, these ...

By: Sherwin Bona

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LAMININE - Dr. Juzer Jangbarwala ( Fibroblast Growth Factor ) - Video

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