SammyJo Wilkinsin talks at the Houston Stem Cell Summit – Video

Posted: January 14, 2013 at 6:42 am

SammyJo Wilkinsin talks at the Houston Stem Cell Summit
I was on a panel of 4 patients, all treated with our own adult stem cells. Each of us had great restorative effects for serious ailments like multiple sclerosis, arthritis, or orthopedic conditions. Now the FDA made an overzealous ruling our own stem cells are a drug, if expanded to reach a therapeutic dose. Now this therapy is no longer available in the US as of the start of 2013. So be cautious when evaluating clinics that offer a low-dose therapy for a serious condition like MS. For comparison, I received 600 million of my own adipose-derived autologous mesenchymal stem cells. The FDA is forcing patients into medical tourism to achieve effective therapy. But stay tuned, is a group of patients who are fighting for every sick person #39;s right to use their own stem cells for repair, restoration and recovery from grave illnesses, many of which have no other effective treatment. SammyJo Wilkisnon

By: SammyJo Wilkinson

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SammyJo Wilkinsin talks at the Houston Stem Cell Summit - Video

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