Stem Cells Could Cure Hearing Loss

Posted: March 1, 2012 at 7:08 pm

HOUSTON - A possible cure for hearing loss in children....that's what physicians are hoping to achieve from the first ever FDA-approved study of stem cells to treat hearing loss in children.

The folks over at Memorial Hermann are studying the safety of using a child's own umbilical cord blood stem repair a damaged inner ear.

If it's a would become the first treatment to restore normal hearing.

It has been the most painful thing Ive ever gone through, having to see your child go through challenges its very difficult, very hard, said Wilma Shay.

Wilma Shay's 2 year old son Shane was born premature and failed his newborn hearing test.

A month after getting him home....she knew something was wrong.

Once I just stood behind him and clapped my hands real hard and he didnt move so I said okay lets get him checked out , said Shay.

Hes not hearing well, he has profound hearing loss on both ears. He has severe speech delay as well because of the profound hearing loss, said Shanes ENT at Memorial Hermann, Dr. Sancak Yuksel.

Shane was diagnosed with auditory neuropathy...where sound enters the ear normally, but the transmission of signals from the inner ear to the brain are impaired.

I have him in several days of speech therapy and I also work with him at home, said Shay.

Originally posted here:
Stem Cells Could Cure Hearing Loss

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