The potential of regenerative medicine – Video

Posted: October 31, 2012 at 10:45 pm

The potential of regenerative medicine
Alan Russell: The potential of regenerative medicine Alan Russell studies regenerative medicine -- a breakthrough way of thinking about disease and injury by helping the body to rebuild itself. He shows how engineered tissue that "speaks the body #39;s language" has helped a man regrow his lost fingertip, how stem cells can rebuild damaged heart muscle, and how cell therapy can regenerate the skin of burned soldiers. This new, low-impact medicine comes just in time, Russell says -- our aging population, with its steeply rising medical bills, will otherwise (and soon) cause a crisis in health care systems around the world. Some graphic medical imagery.From:BroadcastBCViews:1 0ratingsTime:19:30More inScience Technology

The potential of regenerative medicine - Video

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