The Powers of Dental Pulp Derived Stem Cells DPSC Overview and Technology – Video

Posted: January 14, 2013 at 6:42 am

The Powers of Dental Pulp Derived Stem Cells DPSC Overview and Technology
Dental pulp derived stem cells can be used to repair teeth, by facilitating the growth of dentin or pul pulp in a compromised tooth. It also allows for the creation of biological scaffolding from wisdom teeth. The re-growth of dental pulp and dentin was don to apply the successful methods to repair damage caused by dental trauma. Dental Pulp stem cells have the ability to differentiate into various other types of tissue such as bone, neural cells and as a source for iPS derived cells, Dental stem cells Can also be a potential source of stem cells that can be utilized to treat a wide variety of disease and trauma as regenerative medical treatments.

By: stemcellthailand

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The Powers of Dental Pulp Derived Stem Cells DPSC Overview and Technology - Video

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