umbilical cord care | Collection of Cord Blood – Some Frequently Asked Questions – Video

Posted: November 12, 2012 at 10:40 pm

umbilical cord care | Collection of Cord Blood - Some Frequently Asked Questions For a successful transplant, the process is relatively complex, but the basics of the process involve typing the blood. It #39;s been medically proved that this particular blood is a rich source of stem cells, which are also known as ""Blood Builder Cells"" in the human body. Unfortunately, as the New England Journal of Medicine noted, stem cells from unrelated donors are less likely to be helpful than one #39;s own cells. Every citizen is entitled to the donated blood stored in public banks, hence there is no guarantee that you will get the umbilical blood of your baby if and when you need it. Once you have identified a private cord blood bank in your area, make an appointment to visit and discuss your options with the bank #39;s professional staff. It is painless and there is no risk to your newborn or to yourself. The future uses of stem cells in medicine are very promising. Stem groups are a priceless retrace. It further saves you from the trouble of locating a matching donor when transplants are concerned. There are some facilities that charge a bit more up front (over $2000) but include 20 years of storage in that instead of just one year. Therefore, there is no health risk to both of them. They can be put in a cord blood bank, such as Cord Blood Registry, and easily prepared for use either for the donor or another recipient regardless of relationship. This ensures that all those involved are carefully protected and monitored while adhering to ...From:Implantes DentalesViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:01More inScience Technology

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umbilical cord care | Collection of Cord Blood - Some Frequently Asked Questions - Video

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