umbilical cord stem cells | Cord Blood Banking Cost – What Do I Pay? – Video

Posted: November 12, 2012 at 10:40 pm

umbilical cord stem cells | Cord Blood Banking Cost - What Do I Pay? On 3 July 2001, a cord blood stem cell transplant was carried out on a 5-year old Malaysian Chinese boy with Thalassaemia Major. Banking the cord blood actually opened new vistas in the field of medical treatments. Cord blood is genetically unique to the child and the family. It is a simple process, but an important investment in the future health and well being of your family. The Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Though it is a new stream in the realm of Medicine but it is rapidly advancing owing to its manifold advantages. The umbilical cord has a rich supply of fresh stem cells that can be manipulated into forming various organs, tissues, blood and blood products that our bodies need to survive. It has enabled mankind to show his mastery over the god. It is important to be aware about the disadvantages so that you are not caught unaware. Have you ever heard of storing umbilical cord blood after birth? It is a procedure where the blood is collected from the umbilical cord after birth, treated and then stored in the blood bank in case of emergency. These cells are beneficial for some treatments. With extensive studies and efforts, the medical world has brought to the world treatments for various diseases through ways and means that was once unthinkable. This is a small list as there are nearly 70 diseases where stem cells have been used for treatment. There is no guarantee that the blood bank will stay in business, and at some later date the ...From:kristinagraddyViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:01More inScience Technology

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umbilical cord stem cells | Cord Blood Banking Cost - What Do I Pay? - Video

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