umbilical cord stem cells | Umbilical Cord Blood Storage – Video

Posted: January 17, 2013 at 1:41 am

umbilical cord stem cells | Umbilical Cord Blood Storage The patient is then given regular chemotherapy and followed by the high-dose chemotherapy. Human umbilical cord blood cells have many advantages as grafts for cell transplantation because of the immaturity of newborn cells compared with adult cells. It is a form of health insurance which you hope you will never have to use, but if you ever have to, you will be incredibly grateful that it is available. This blood is collected after the umbilical cord has been severed from the new-born. Researchers around the world have already been using them in groundbreaking ways with exciting results. Many children are diagnosed with diseases like leukemia and that can be possibly life threatening. Cord Blood registry questions is often stated as an excellent course of action for those families who have a child that is suffering from a transplant treatable disease such as leukemia, sickle-cell, lymphoma and others. Furthermore, collecting umbilical cord blood has no controversy since the process does not cause the destruction on the embryos and fetus. Along the way, a thin needle is inserted through the abdomen and uterine walls towards the umbilical cord. The placenta and umbilical cord is often discarded along with the hospital #39;s medical waste. HSC #39;s from cord blood are able to become whatever cell is most needed to create that balance within the body, and there are three very important blood cell lineages that can be produced from the HSC #39;s in cord ...

By: Rhett Zastrow

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umbilical cord stem cells | Umbilical Cord Blood Storage - Video

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