Bone marrow stem cells (from young Russians!)–the new fountain of youth?

Posted: February 1, 2013 at 10:47 am

By Alex Y. Vergara


Is the elusive search for the fountain of youth over? Vicki Belo, one of the countrys leading beauty doctors, thinks so, as she recently unveiled her latest weapons in the fight against aging: intradermal (ID) and intravenous (IV) stem cell treatments.

Developed by Russian doctors in Moscow after more than a decade of research, ID treatment, much like Botox, is injected directly on specific points of the face and neck to supposedly facilitate faster skin regeneration, tighten sagging muscles and promote the production of collagen and elastin, two of the skins most important building blocks.

As we age, our skin tends to lose elasticity, said Belo. Since we dont produce as much collagen and elastin as we used to, our faces soon lose fat and become hollow. Wrinkles also start to deepen and permanently set in.

This may sound a bit scary, but the stem cells Belo uses, unlike those used in a number of clinics abroad, including a famous one in Germany, dont come from animals like sheep. They are not sourced from embryos either.

In a way, we pioneered stem cell therapy in the Philippines by using a persons own fat cells and transferring them to other parts of her body, particularly the face, said Belo. We still do that, but this latest development in stem cell therapy is more effective and offers more dramatic results.

Instead, Belo now uses stem cells cultured from bone marrow harvested from young and healthy Russian donors using the so-called Mesenchymal procedure.

Stem cells sourced from bone marrow are much better, she explained. Bone marrow is like the bodys main factory where stem cells originate.

More effective approach

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Bone marrow stem cells (from young Russians!)–the new fountain of youth?

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