stem cell banking | Cord Blood – Video

Posted: November 10, 2012 at 7:48 pm

stem cell banking | Cord Blood ""There are several advantages to cord blood banking. Advantages Of Cord Blood Banking1. 2. There are many diseases that can be treated with stem cells, so if your child ever needs stem cells later in his/her life, you will not have to look for a new donor. Placental and cord blood banking may become even more valuable in the future with exciting research under way to find new medical uses in areas such as: diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, muscular dystrophy, Alzheimer #39;s disease, Parkinson #39;s disease, stroke, and even spinal cord injury. However, in the event that you actually need the cord blood, I am sure there is no price too high for a parent to be willing to pay. Sometimes people cannot use their own because it still may carry a genetic disorder. Thomas, who will not have access to a close relative #39;s stem cells. It is always wise to preserve this waste blood of the baby which is otherwise thrown away. In this case, it will be better to bank the cord blood for possible future need. Usually, cord blood stem cell banking comes with a payment package that sum up fees for enrollment information, collection kits, courier charges, banks laboratory, sample typing, processing, storing and maintenance of the cord blood units. In the future, researchers might be able to examine cord blood from babies with lung diseases such as cystic fibrosis and develop better treatments. Nowadays, there is a bank which provides you a service for storing ...From:Aldana LuisViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:18More inScience Technology

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