Dr. Robert Malone: Resisting Covid Tyranny and the WEFs Great Reset | The Paradise News – The Paradise News

Posted: May 15, 2022 at 2:44 am

In an in-depth interview with The New American, Dr. Robert Malone shared details of his intellectual journey from questioning the safety and efficacy of Covid vaccines to recognizing the intense efforts of the globalist forces aimed at establishing a totalitarian regime that would supersede national political structures.

Dr. Malone said that the driving force behind the effort is the World Economic Forum (WEF), whose members dominate supranational organizations, national governments and political parties, corporations, the media, and academia.

The goal of the policies that were implemented as a part of the Covid pandemic response was to accelerate the Great Reset preached by the forums founder and chairman, Klaus Schwab. Based on total control over information, the economy, and finances, and on the ideas of transhumanism and population control, the Great Reset becomes possible because of mass formation psychosis. Malone argued that since this phenomenon captures both the populace and the leaders, it is paramount to wake people up, and he offered solutions for doing so.

Dr. Robert Malone pioneered mRNA vaccine technology in the late 1980s and holds nine U.S.-issued patents in which he is explicitly named an inventor. During the Covid pandemic, he emerged as a leader of the intellectual movement against unethical Covid-related vaccine mandates, vaccinations of children, and medical censorship.

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Dr. Robert Malone: Resisting Covid Tyranny and the WEFs Great Reset | The Paradise News - The Paradise News

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